I know these thing has a purpose on the direction in which I really want to work it on. Hmmm! I don't feel working on as an Information Technology Consultant working in a banking industry is not enough to have a regularization on banking industry considering that I'm still seeking a flexible schedule of time to do the IT job in a banking industry rather than a fixed time as an unexpected. Seeing a work that is more flexible schedule that expected an output and know how to orient their new hires for the specific position. I know these past two months is struggling for me that I have to see the right opportunity for me that will able to support everything. IT Consulting firms well it helped a lot to give opportunity but the last work it well but in the last five months (Nov 2011-Feb 2012) doesn't work it well because I'm having hard time struggling to pursue my tech skills further in a banking industry. Yeah! not just a personal happenings happen to my family that will be a major factor that affect my deployment especially my attendance that it seems that it happen again in another banking industry just like with the previous banking industry that I had these past few months. I'll keep myself praying and making an effort to have it on the right path. Know I need my prayers to guide me that a possible arrangement for me this Monday will be okay for a deployment that open for a flexible schedule and output delivery that will less my pressure to prepare myself at the office. I have an office-mate before in an insurance company that it seems he assumes that he can do system analysis and finish the project on time that he said but on the actual agreement but my office-mate before who's know a project manager that seems unlikely he did to our team the last time. Hmmm! it's seems that he is know in the banking industry for a project that work on within 1 year that he couldn't make it why? An unlikely behavior he shown on the project and to his immediate superiors around him that it's seems he gonna get his luck this time. Hahaha!!!! nice!!!! I don't think that I should get a long with him because he is acting like a stupid boy that hmmmm! that I shouldn't get a long more.. At least keep on sending resume's if ever they will respond go for the initial stage that's the usual and if they were interested of hiring me in the position that I have deserve to work rather than the other candidates. That's how the life is. it's seem that you really to find a true office-mates that you can work longer. For 4 months already that I have searching for an opportunity, quite difficult but a challenge that will keep me to stabilize my career in Information Technology. I wish that I could meet my timeline for this.
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